
Dear Emerson Families,

At Emerson Community Charter Middle School, our incredible principal, Dr. McNally, remarkably talented teachers, and hardworking staff all bring a wealth of experience, creativity, and dedication to their jobs—we are so lucky!  They are constantly striving to strengthen and enrich the school’s curriculum, teaching practices, and programs, and, as always, Partnership in Academics & Community at Emerson, PACE, is absolutely critical in supporting their incredibly hard work through fundraising, volunteering, and community-building activities that help keep Emerson the amazing learning environment, and outstanding school experience that it is.

This remarkable Emerson education is made possible in large part by the financial support from YOU, our Emerson families!  There are MANY programs here at Emerson that you may think are provided by LAUSD, but are ACTUALLY funded by OUR donations to PACE:

  • Emerson’s INCREDIBLE Academies:  The Crown Jewels of Emerson are its Academies:  STEM, ESA, Arts & Adventure, and Leadership.  These Academies start each of our kids’ days with fellow students in their preferred area of focus… what a tremendous idea!!  However, without PACE’s support, the Academies would be in name only, as there would be no funding for buses, admission fees, or lunches for all of the Academy Days, and all of the other specific Academy focused programs and enrichment that each Academy provides.
  • Grade Level Field Days:  What would 6th Grade be without Greek Day?  7th without Carnival or Faire?  8th without UCLA Day??  None of these happen without PACE funding and support.
  • Speech & Debate:  Emerson’s outstanding award-winning Speech & Debate Team has a case FULL of trophies at Emerson… but they would not have them without buses funded by PACE to get to their tournaments!
  • Drama:  The fantastic productions put on by Emerson’s Drama team would not come to life without materials for the incredible sets they build and costumes they make, all paid for by PACE.
  • Camp Emerson:  Every incoming Emerson student spends a full day at Camp Emerson, discovering the school and deciding which Academy to join.  This entire day is funded by PACE!
  • Accelerated Reader:  This is crucial enrichment, as more than 30 years of research prove Accelerated Reader is highly effective at raising reading achievement for students of all ability levels, and PACE provides it for Emerson.
  • After School Sports:  PACE completely funds, and helps organize and run Emerson’s after school sports programs, such as volleyball and basketball, with more to be added in the future!
  • Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon:  It is so important to let the Emerson Staff & Teachers know how much we appreciate them, and PACE does that for you every year via our annual Appreciation Luncheon.
  • Scholarships for Field Trips, Overnight Trips & Other Paid Extracurricular Activities: PACE offers scholarships -ensuring that all interested students are given the opportunity to participate and attend.
  • Teacher Led Special Projects:  From materials to plant a garden, to everything needed to construct a homemade lava lamp, PACE funds teacher request for these fun and educational special projects throughout the school year.
  • Copier Maintenance & IT Support:  It all sound so mundane, but without PACE funding, Emerson would not have these critical support elements to ensure a seamless experience for everyone at Emerson!

This is only a snippet of what PACE does, so there you have it… PACE is CRITICAL in helping make Emerson Community Charter Middle School the great school that it is, and in giving our children the best quality public education possible.  PACE’s contribution to the Emerson experience is not even quantifiable, as, without PACE, Emerson’s Academies would not be what they are, and without OUR contributions, there is no viable and effective PACE.

Thank you so much for supporting Emerson, our kids, and PACE!  We ask each family to donate at least $750 per child, per year, which covers what PACE needs to fund all of the incredible enrichment & programming for the school each year.  We realize this is not possible for many families, so we ask that every family donate what they are able… Please be as generous as you can, and know that every pledge is meaningful to our Emerson community as a whole.  PACE is a Section 501(c)3 nonprofit, and your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.

Please see below to make your once a year annual donation now!

To Donate via PayPal or Zelle, click below:

To Donate via Check:

Make check payable to PACE, and please include your name, email address, and student name(s).

Mail to:

c/o Emerson Community Charter Middle School
1650 Selby Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024

We will send you an email when we receive your check!

PACE’s Emerson Arts & Education Foundation is a Section 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Tax ID No. 26-3286259