
Not Getting Our Emails? Try this!

Have you signed up to receive our important weekly Pace Newsletter, but not finding it in your inbox? It could just be in another tab or in your spam folder.  Gmail for example, will deliver your newsletter to your “promotions” tab instead of your “primary tab” by default. Here is directions on how to change your settings so you won’t miss out on important stuff! Still having trouble? Email us at [email protected] .

If you use Gmail, You’ll need to create a filter. (See below for yahoo)

  • Go to Settings > Filters and Blocked Addresses.
  • Click Create a New Filter.
  • Fill in the criteria for moving items to your Primary tab (Type in “[email protected]” in the “From” box) and then click Create Filter with This Search.
  • Check the “Categorize As” box and select “Personal” from the dropdown box beside it.
  • Make sure to check the box for Also Apply Filter to [x] Matching Messages
  • Click Create Filter.

Voila! Now your Emerson Newsletter will be sent to your Primary tab instead of Promotions.

If you use Yahoo, then:

1. Log into your Yahoo account and click the “Spam” folder.

2.If you see your Emerson Newsletter in the Spam folder (Yikes!) click it to open it.

3. Click the “Not Spam” button in the toolbox, and Yahoo will immediately send the email to your Inbox folder. Emails from the same sender will not be treated as junk mail anymore and will be sent to the Inbox folder.